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Cultivate the City



Upcoming Events

Help feed families in need

Your support helps us grow more food, teach more families how to produce their own food, and support efforts to expand our programming.


Local Produce CSA

Information about our CSA Program.

Community-supported agriculture(CSA), is a system that connects the producer and consumers within the food system more closely by allowing the consumer to subscribe to the harvest of a certain farm or group of farms. Be a part of the local farming movement and support farmers by signing up for our weekly CSA shares. You will receive 8-10 locally grown fruits, veggies, herbs, and a lot more goodies every week!

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Latest from our Instagram @CultivateTheCity


Gift Certificates

If you are looking for the perfect gift to give during the holidays, a birthdays present, anniversaries, and just a thank you gift our gift certificates are a great option.

  • Can be redeemed for classes, plants, consultations, and our CSA.

  • Minimum of $5 upon purchase

  • No max limit

  • They can be redeemed at any time and never expire

Send us an email at

if you have more questions!

After filling out your information an invoice (3% fee) will be sent to you via the email you provided in the sign up. After the invoice is paid a e-certificate will be sent to you that you then can print or forward to the gift recipient.